My dear Abby,Thank you for the returned stamps. Helen did not tell me of any money, maybe she did not know. This letter Effie had been writing when she went down to meet her friends - her last message.
She certainly was melting under these experiences - Ceylon - rain & heat &c.
A letter from Miss Coon says the counsel suggested sending Effie's possessions by a boat of the Roosevelt Line which left Madras soon after the middle of Dec. and which goes to New York. They will be sent to you as I understand they must be appraised there. I do hope everything will not be ruined. I have wondered about her cards - she always had so many. A few have come here & I have written. Thank you and Miss Doak a lot.
Yesterday I found myself about to cut out a picture of the Mt. H. choir that was in the Sunday Times - to send her - it is so hard to realize it all.
I dont [sic] know what will happen next with Mr. L. so anxious all the time. I am so glad she is spared all this.
M. S. LarrabeeJan. 6, '30.