92 Park St. New Haven, Ct. Oct. 6, 1897.
Dear sister Susie;-
I was glad to get your letter a few days ago and hear that you were back at college. You must be hard at work now. I too am busy with my studies in the University. ....y& (I had to go down, and baby thought she would help write the letter in my absence.) College has only just opened and I have not fully arranged my studies yet, but I think they will be something as follows:- The Teaching of Jesus: Apostolic Theology: Judaism at the time of Christ: Sanskrit: Modern Asiatic History: and Comparative Religion.
I shall be busy Sundays giving missionary addres[s]es. Last Sunday I was at Bridgeport and spoke twice in the church of my classmate Stewart, giving my illustrated address in the evening. The Sunday before, Dedie and I went to Northford, Ct. Next Sunday evening we are to speak in the Calvary Baptist church at the Young People's meeting about brother Bennie's work. The Board meeting comes next week, beginning Tuesday and continuing until Friday. I have been asked to make a short address. Are any of your students coming down? If so I should be glad to meet them.
I am hoping to visit you at your college home sometime during the year. So please write to me what time would be most favorable. I have been invited to speak to the Mt. Hermon students, and may be able to combine the two visits with one trip.
Mrs. Baldwin is still very sick and does not sit up at all. She does not have fever, but does not seem to get strength. It has kept Eva and Dedie busy taking care of her, so that [t]hey haven't been able to do much else. Little Evangeline is well and happy. I wish she were out in the country to pick up the bright leaves that are showering down now. This is a delightful season of the year but we can't half appreciate it here in the city. When we do get out we are transported with rapture, for we haven't experienced an autumn season for five years.
I cannot write any more now but I will close with lots of love and best wishes for your success at college.
Write to Dedie next time, for she felt rather slighted that you didn't mention her in your last letter.
From your brother
Harvey.[Rev. Harvey Merrill Lawson, son of Edwin Newton and Sarah Corbin Lawson, born Jan. 31, 1868, graduated from the Hitchcock Free High School, now the Hitchcock Free Academy, at Brimfield, Mass., in 1886, and from the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University in 1890. He was assistant instructor in the chemical laboratory there for two years. He graduated from the Yale Divinity School May 17, 1893, was ordained as a foreign missionary at New Haven May 18, and was married May 23, 1893 to Dedie S. Baldwin, daughter of Isaac and Huldah Baldwin, of New Haven. Their daughter Evangeline Baldwin was born Jan. 1, 1895 in Ahmednagar, India.]