A Letter written on Nov 25, 1896

[This letter was sent in an envelope to Susie Lawson on Oct 11, 1897 by her brother George Newton Lawson. Why he sent it on to Susie after a year is a mystery. The letter is full of misspellings. It is transcribed as written.]

New Bedford Nov 25th 1896

Cousin Newton

I think I told you when I rote [sic] last that I would rite agane and let you know if thare was any change in the Apple Market I must say thare is not but a very little change since I rote before thay are so plenty that nobody wants to bye I have mad inquirres round at many places but find they are so plenty that the Farmers in the Neighboring towns are rotten god large nice Baldwins and greenes for 90 cents a Bbl

yesterday I had quite a talk with a man that live about 7 milds out of town he told me if I wanted a few Bbls good large nice Baldwins thay would be deliverd at my doore for one dollar a Bbl but I did not agree to take any. thay say that thare is quite a demand for gill flours furt now and thay sel for two dollars a Bbl for they are not verry plenty.

we are all well as common and wish you all the same we should be pleased to see you down here or any of your Family at any time when convenet

yours Respecfully
Robt Lawson

I got a nice long letter allittle more than two months ago from Ira he was well he spoak of the verry pleasant viset he had last sumer with us all.