A Letter written on Oct 3, 1897

My dear Susie,-

Amos went up to caucus Friday night and was so kind as to bring us our mail. There was a letter from Dedie besides the one from you. Mrs. Baldwin is still very sick. Eva has not had her clothes off to go to bed for four weeks. Evangeline has been sick too but is all right now. Harvey has been asked to make a short address at the Board meetings. Some of your teachers and Mrs. Mead will go, will they not?

You received, I mean, we received for you an announcement of the marriage of Rev. Mr. Furness and Miss Agard. They are "at home" at South Wardsboro Vermont. You may call on them when you go to Montpelier. I notice in the last Congregationalist the death of Elsie Jobs' little girl, three and a half years old.

Mr. Thayer is having his mill repaired. Mr. Hall and Fred Stone have been at work on it. Mrs. Thayer says she is going to try to get the school in the spring for Eva.

Zida Young has gone to Middletown to take May Miller's place. I think it must be rather lonely for Mrs. Young.

[transition from pen to pencil]

My pen has broken and I have no other except at the school house. School goes on as usual, - scholars more or less trying, and teacher more or less cross. What do you know or imagine about "The Woman in the Moon"? I should have taken "The Swan-song of the Year".

Jet has one kitten left which we have christened "Konng Oscar," that is, King Oscar, in honor (?) of the Swedish sovereign.

"Town meetin'" tomorrow.

Mary E. Lawson.

Oct. 3, 1897.