A Letter written on Oct 7, 1897

Leonard Bridge
Conn. Oct. 7. 1897

My Dear Susie,

I received your letter a long time ago and should have answered it some time before this. but I have been very busy putting it off and likewise the rest of my correspondents. I do hope you had time to rest up some last summer after you wrote to me for you seemed to have your hands full when you had such a family.

I can imagine that you were glad to see your brother and his family and hope his wife is now all recovered.

The next Sunday after your letter came (I think it was) Rev Mr Gates of Sholapur was with us and gave a lecture in the evening illustrated by pictures on the screen of people in India past and present. We enjoyed it much and felt better acquainted with India than before.

Seraph wrote that you were at the same table with her so you must see each other once in a while. I think you people up there must feel quite grand this year after last years experience[.] I am sure you deserve pretty good accommodations so we won't envy you the change.

I suppose Seraph has told you all about my work this year so I shall not try too[.] In fact there doesn't seem to be much to tell.

I am at present looking out for the walnuts but have poor success thus far getting ahead of the squirrels. They have no respect for my wishes in the matter and so of course I share with them.

This evening we were planning to spend at a History lecture by one of the school teachers here but as it rained we concluded to stay at home and remain in ignorance. I can't say as I feel very badly about it as I imagine it wouldn't have been very profound.

We are very quiet here so far this winter but on Liberty Hill they are quite gay so we have been there some.

Last week we went to a social and I may shock your dignity as I did the neighbor when I tell you I played "Clap in Clap out" of course the kissing part was omitted. but some of us changed the game as soon as convenient as it isn't a universal favorite.

I wonder if Seraph has told you of the little black cat, Seth Low by name. if so you may be interested to learn that he is now partially civilized although he was determined not to be all the summer.

I would like to walk into your room tonight with some of my nasturtiums and sweet peas. they are about as pretty as they have been all summer. I hate to have the frost come and spoil them all but I suppose winter must come in order for me to have any sleigh rides and I must certainly have them.

I am very sorry that you will be unable to graduate with your class but after all it will be better than breaking down to do it. Then you will have time to take more too.

It is getting late now so I think I will close this[.]

Hoping to hear from you soon.

I am Your Friend With Love,
M. Alice Bliss