Blandford, Mass.,
Feb. 14. 1900.My dear Susie:-
It is true that you have not heard from me for a long time but my strength has been so limited that I have neglected all my correspondants. [sic] My recovery is more slowly than I had hoped for, but the Lords grace is sufficient and I am trusting Him. I was glad to receive your letter. I had been thinking of you. Your photograph I never received. I am sorry for I would like one very much. I don't see where it went to. If you will send me another I will remember you when I have some.
Bertha is home now. Her school closed last week. She is to have seven weeks vacation. She enjoyed her school very much but is glad of a vacation to get some sewing done. She wishes to be remembered to you.
I am glad you enjoy your work. I thought you must be pretty busy last term from the list of subjects you sent me.
I am still caring for the hens and getting quite a lot of eggs, but have never written the article for the Homestead
yetas you spoke to me of doing. It is too much work.If I continue in the hen business another year I think I shall have an incubator and brooder, but I hope to get able to do something else.
Won't you plan to make us a visit next summer? we would all like to have you very much.
There ought to be a little piece of your vacation you can give us.
I do not go anywhere not even to church. It is such a long hard journey.
I shall write when I can.
Much love
Flora.[A letter transcribed later identified Flora's last name: Hall. There's also a photo of her in Susie's collection.]