A Letter written on Feb 17, 1900

My dear Miss Lawson.

I received your letter in due time & must beg pardon for not having answered it before, but my only excuse is the time-worn one - busy - I have no girl now & consequently have more to do.

Now, I should be pleased to see you in Norton any Sat. after the 24th but I have an engagement in Boston for that day. Just let me know when you are coming & I'll be sure to be at home.

I go to Boston every week & some times twice as I have been doctoring in there for about six months.

Yes. Mrs Copeland is a friend of Mr. Sweet's mother's. & Mr. Rogerson is also a friend of the family. In fact he furnished our home when we went to house-keeping.

Many of our mutual acquaintances are very near us & every little while I find one more.

But I must close now hoping to see you soon in Norton -

Again asking pardon I am

Yours most sincerely
Mrs. A. M. Sweet

Feb. 17. 1900.