A Letter written on Nov 15, 1899

Mansfield, Mass
Nov. 15 - 1899

Dear family,

It is no use trying to teach Geometry to born fools. I have just dismissed a large contingent of my class which I have been keeping a half hour after school, and I believe they have not one grain of sense in the whole lot together. Teaching is terribly hard work, and the better one does it, the less one is liked, and vice versa, e.g. Eva Davidson and district no. 2 Union Conn.

A part of my Geom, class is now in Miss Tallman's room, reciting History. We are on the war path this week.

Fri. is Dunbar Day and it is any quantity of work.

Sat. I went to Boston with Mrs. Copeland and bought a black cloak, and went to a Wheaton Club meeting in the Vendome, where I met Mrs. Winsor of India who knows Harvey & Dedie so well. Also went to a Vassar fair, gotten up by the Boston V. graduates for a scholarship.

Went to the Baptist Ch. Sunday. They are having revival meetings at the M. E. Church and Miss K, and I went Fri, night and of all the groanings and shoutings, those we heard were the worst.

Tongigh [sic] at Cong'l is the Anniversary of the P.S.C.E. I am going to see if I can drown my woes. Excuse this scratch. It is dark[.]

Your loving