304 N. Court St.
Rockford Ill. Aug 4. '91
My Dear Cousin;
Yours was received yesterday and we were very glad to hear from you. It had seemed a long time since you had written.
We are pleased to know the history of Union is to be published and that your family are interested in its compilation and Harvey is to be the leader in it. I am sure it will be a success.
Uncle Weston's address is, Rev. Rodolphus Weston / Steilacoom, Washington. He is not able to be pastor of a church now, but preaches some, I think. If you would write to him, he would be much pleased to hear from you all, I know.
Howard's address is Howard H. Weston, Eureka, Humboldt Co. California. He also would be glad to hear from you.
We should be much pleased to have my dear father's picture in the book. I think your father has a good panel picture we sent him a few years ago. That is the one you intended to use for the book, is it not? It is the best recent picture we have of him and is very natural and life-like. We should like to have it just us it is showing the figure as it is such a natural position and so life-like. What will it cost to have it inserted in the book? Are you going to have my Uncle Preston's picture? I presume he would pay for it, if you wished it.
In regard to the sketch of my dear father's life, I will do the best I can with my mother's help and if your father can add any tribute to him, we should be very glad to have him do so.
I am very glad that the history of the town and people will be preserved, and of course we shall want a book and will pay you for it, and Uncle will do the same, I know. Who is to write a sketch of Aunt Vinton's life and her picture will be in the book, will it not? The one in the book, "The Vintons & the Karens", is very poor, but I think you could get a better picture from her last photograph, which I suppose you have.
Tell Harvey we are much interested in the success of the book and are glad he has undertaken the editing and publication. Although I cannot claim Union for my birth-place, it is dear to me as the native place of my father and mother, grandfather Crawford and many of my family. I think some of the lovely views around Union, Grandpa Holman's old home and other antique places would be nice in the book, if they would be in without costing too much. Do you not think so?
Was the Holman genealogy published, which was gotten up by someone in Willington? Do you know the early home of the Holmans in England? I would like to know. How soon do you expect to have the book ready for print? We would like to be down there with you. It must be pleasant among the hills now. My mother sends love to all as do I.
Write soon!
Your cousin
M. L. Holman.