Dec. 4. 1905.Dear family,
As Miss Cutler says, "it requires agility of physical adjustment" to keep up with changes in the temperature here, 75° one morning, 30° the next.
Like Ruth, I want to know what you decided about Thanksgiving. In the morning I went with Mrs. Wild, carrying a live chicken, and she a basket of sundries, to the cabin of an old couple; the man is paralized [sic], and she is crippled from falling thro' the floor. Church service at eleven, then turkey dinner from sad Mr. Donald's flock, and ball game and races etc. in the afternoon with a social in the evening. We are to have no Christmas vacation at
lall except the day of Christmas, and school will hold a week later in the spring, i.e. til. June.You will find my check for traveling expenses enclosed[.] [No longer with the letter] Please deposit the surplus over the twenty-five you lent me in the Southbridge bank.
We are trying to get up a magazine club again this year, that is, some of us, but a number are so cross about the way they imagine they were imposed upon last year by the keeping of magazines over time, that they are trying to keep out. I have seen
onea paper once since I arrived in Tougalooo, and I feel the need of something tolread besides my Algebras."Mr XYZ Science" has not come yet; they have gone to the station several times to meet the music teacher, Miss Johanna Myer, from Missouri, but she has failed to materialize. I am about to begin with one of Mr. Science's classes. pro-tem., Astronomy.
How are you-alls? I didn't have any letter from you last week.
With love
Susie.Rec'd postal from Alice from Springfield.