A Letter written on Jan 24, 1906

Jan. 24. 1906.

Dear Miss Lawson

I was very pleased to hear from you. even if long in replying. I have not written until. it came natural for me to talk to Mr. E. M. Horton alone. about offering refered [sic] to. Mr. Horton we find sent the money to New York Dec. 6. 1905. It was understood that he send it of [sic] at once. after being taken up. wh. was early in Sep. He also was to send it to Tougaloo or for the benefit of that University. but has not done so for wh. I am very sorry, it very likely sliped [sic] his mind

Mr Horton desires me to write to Mr. Hubbard & have the sum we sent there appropriated for your school if. possible. And if this can not be done we will take another offering making it as large as the lost ($9.) & send it on to your treasurer. Your University must not be the looser [sic] by our blunders.

We are pleased to hear that you have met in good numbers. We hope each student will soon be well housed & in a condition to get full benefit of the help the School can give.

Your Sister was to Ch. Sunday & reported all will. [sic] We have had very warm weather during last 3 or 4 days. being 60. degrees or more above zero mos part of the time. We have no snow & little ice. Most people are well in Union[.] Mrs Roger writes with me in sending you kind regards

Yours sincerely
Geo. Roger.

P.S. Mrs Roger desires me to thank you for the xmas present. you so kindly sent to her. Geo. Roger.