A Letter written on Oct 30, 1904

Tougaloo University,
Tougaloo, Miss.
Oct. 30, 1904

Dear Harvey,

Mary's letter last week says that Evangeline [Harvey's daughter] has the scarlet fever. I am very anxious to hear how she is. I hope she has it as lightly as the Beard children did, and will soon recover. Are you in quarantine? I suppose you are, but they are often not strict about it in the smaller towns.

One month has passed at Tougaloo and the numerous tender feet - the majority of the teachers were new this year - seem to be quite at home. This is the period of examinations and reports, and is therefore a soul-trying time. My favorite class in Arithmetic had an exam. Friday and only seven out of the forty-four passed. It seemed to be the same with other teachers, so perhaps it isn't my fault entirely. Nyangi, the man from Africa had 99.

New pupils come straggling in nearly every day, as they can get away from the cotton picking; some stay out now and then because they "ain't nigh done pickin' yet."

There is an immense amount of cotton raised right around here, and now the fields are "white unto harvest". The school has a large field of it.

Dr. Woodworth is away now soliciting. It is too bad he has to do that we need him so much here. I wish Tougaloo might get $100,000 like Talladega. Booker Washington says Tougaloo is the best missionary school in the South. The Miss. State Supt. of schools, says a southern man, says it is the best conducted school in the state. Industrially the great schools are ranked thus: Tuskegee, Hampton, Tougaloo, Claflin, and it is said that Tougaloo best combines the intellectual, industrial and religious. But we sure do need money. The school is run with an economy that would delight the soul of a New Englander, even the ashes are converted into soft soap.

I have induced one boy to come here and work out his entire expenses; he works five hours a day for six cents an hour. Now I want a scholarship or part of one for him - not to give to him, but to the institution.

The story of Orange Park's afflictions seems to be well known in A.M.A. circles, for several different people here know all about it.

The weather is beautiful now, like Sept. at home; it has not rained since I have been here, and the dust is very bad, yet I suppose it is preferable to the mud that will come with the rainy season. The wild persimmons grow all around here and I am quite fond of them, tho' it takes a quart to satisfy me.

Oct. 31.

I had begun this letter before yours came this noon, but I will not start anew for I am sure I should not finish. I get tired every day, tho' I have but four and a half hours of actual teaching. There are now fifty people in my room from fifteen to twenty-two years of age.

I expected to find the people real black here, but we have a large number of octoroons and white negroes. I do not think they are so bright as the Florida negroes, and the Atlanta and Lexington, Ky. teachers now here say the same of those localities.

I am glad George's boy is Clement Corbin, aren't you? Now we want a Geoffrey, and then I call a halt, on boys, anyway. Bobbie and I pine for each other; he even goes to the extent of hugging my old red dress.

I am eager to see the History. [Harvey's book on the Corbin family genealogy was published in 1905] Give my love to Eva and tell her to write to me. I'll write all I know of Tou. for your Missionary Society, if it will induce them to give to Tougaloo.

Love to all.