A Letter written on May 27, 1936

Bevin Bros Mgf. Co.
Bell Manufacturers.
East Hampton, Conn.


Attention of
Dear Mr Lawson:

Both Mrs Bevin & myself considered it not only a pleasure but also a priviledge [sic] to be able to help your sister in her work at the Pittman Center. In the past year we sold for her $649.07 of the womens work from down there.

If any one lived a courageous & triumphant life it was your sister.

If you are willing we should like to have copies of your poem that you read at the house yesterday after noon & also a copy of her poem that you read at the cemetary? [sic]

We thought they were most fitting & fine in conception & spirit.

Thanking for your courtesy, I am

Cordially Yours
Marshall Bevin.