A Letter written on Jul 24, 1936

East Douglas, Mass.
July 24 - 1936

Rev. Harvey M. Lawson
Union, Conn.

My dear Mr. Lawson:

This note has been much delayed, but it is genuinely sincere, nevertheless.

Susie Lawson McCrea was a devoted & loyal member of our Class of '98 of Mount Holyoke College, & the news of her death last May saddened us all.

At our last Reunion we all enjoyed renewing the acquaintance and friendship of earlier years. Some of her class mates had kept in close touch with her all through the years but for some like myself there was a great pleasure in learning first hand of her splendid work in Pittman Community Center. She talked of that most interestingly at our talk-fest after the banquet & some of us have kept in touch with her ever since. She sent me a picture of her cottage & told me of the young people for whom she was able to open doors into new worlds of learning.

That she was happy in this Life of Service goes without saying & that she herself would not grieve at a release into wider worlds is just as certain.

We shall miss her when we gather next at South Hadley, her friends at the Center will look long for a successor and her family will mourn her going.

Believe me that I speak for all when I offer you my sympathy. I shall cherish & revere her memory.

Most sincerely,
Lena M. Schuster
(Mrs. Walter E. Schuster)
for the Class of '98 -