My dear Carrie:-Are you married, dead or insane? Why under the light of the sun, moon, and stars don't you write to me? I am ready to lay my hands on the Bible and take my oath that I wrote last. However, I will be lenient considering it is you and only demand that you write to me. "p.d.q" If you don't know what that means, don't let it hinder you from writing just the same.
I had a nice long letter from Bessie B. this A. M. She didn't mention the "tailor" or even say anything about "going to meeting." I wonder if anything serious has happened! In my last letter, I told her that if she would send me a "bid" to the wedding, I would give the first baby a pair of shoes. Possibly, she was so shocked and disgusted that she thought his name too sacred to be mentioned in an episte [sic] to such a creature as me.
Oh, Carrie, I wish you were to be at College next year! Don't you think you will ever be able to come back? Just think your class will appear out in caps and gowns in the fall! Does it seem possible!!
Did you know Fannie Steele, in your class? She was expelled from college the last week of school. It seems that she was married to her "man" prom time and in some way Miss Wolley [sic] learned of it and so gave her a "walking ticket" Did you know Josephine Clark an '06 girl? She was back at college in the spring with her husband and baby. It seems that she was married the Easter vacation before she graduated. You know, she announced her engagement mountain day.
Oh, Carrie, I know a grand secret and with the natural female instinct I am dying to tell it to you! but I am under a solemn oath not to tell so I must keep as mum as a clam!
'09 got the better of '08 I suppose. Both classes wanted to grab Mr. Hammond for an honorary member as soon as '07 graduated. We held a class meeting and voted to write an invite to Mr. H. and give it to him just the minute the Commencement exercises were over. Suppose the plan succeeded. Hope so at least. '08 has Mr. H's small son and I should think that they might be satisfied with one of the family and let us have our dear sister's possession. Hope this doesn't make you mad but I have developed a lot of class spirit since I last saw you and '08 is my especial "thorn in the flesh." By the way, '08 had a very respectable "Lamy" Had a picture of Mr. H's small son in it.
The college lost a valuable friend - the "Bracket Man" He died the last week of school. He leaves a sister and she is quite poor, so the college girls are going to join with the town in sending her some money. I spent two weeks and a half at Leila's home last month and had a grand time. She lives on a big farm, you know.
I can scarcely wait for college to begin. It will be so nice to be a Junior but, oh dear, what will we ever do without our beloved '07?
Our class had seven honor students this year. After this, they are going to give honors to all the sophs who reach a certain average. The recipients were, Emily Burt, Clara Hawks, Florence Read, Bertha Newcomb, Margretta Martin, Marion Hoyt and I have forgotten the name of the seventh. Can't remember it at all.
Well, Carrie, I expect a good long letter from you very soon.
Write soon Flam.