A Letter from Bertha Martin
to Carrie Gowing
Feb 8, 1907

Dear Carrie,-

I received your post-card this A. M. and am much ashamed that I haven't written to you before. I wrote quite a while ago and about three weeks after I sent the letter it came back from the village P. O. with the request that I give a "better address." I had been absent minded when I directed it and directed it to "New Hampshire, New Hampshire." The letter was so much out of date then that I didn't send it, and have never got around to write another[.]

This evening all of the Sophs and Juniors who take Bible have to attend a lecture in the Chapel on "Miracles of the New Testament." I have forgotten who is to give it but Miss Wooley [sic] said that the man was the greatest student of the New Testament in the United States if not the whole world. I hope it will be interesting.

Exams were all as easy as rolling off a log except History. That was easy enough only it was about twice too long for the amount of time one had. There were ten questions and I wrote as fast as my pen would go for the two hours and just barely did seven. I don't expect credit in History, so I don't care much. Hope to get credit in everything but History & English that will make lecture hours credit as I take fifteen hours. Despise English! I like History will [sic] enough. Got credit on two quizes but we had to write a paper on the "Rise of the Papacy" and that finished me. I spend [sic] time and labor enough on the thing and thought I did it all right. Nellie N. tho't differently and gave me E on it. Then out of spite, she only gave me D+ on my third quiz, so I have given up all hopes of getting anything in history.

If I don't get credit in Lit. there will be murder and suicide, as I expect to major in Lit. Have got credit on all the quizes and think I did fairly will [sic] on the exam so I think I ought to get credit on it. Miss Morse told me before the exam that I would undoubtedly get credit in Bible & Miss Rogers told me ages ago that my work in Chemistry was creditable and I think that I have done enough bluffing in German so that Fraulein Hofer ought to give me something.

Haven't anything very "newsy"[.] It's the same old story of Lab, dom. work. gym, chapel, hot water in the bath-room when you want cold water and either ice cold water or none at all, when you come from gym and want a warm bath.

I enjoy this year very much[.] My instructors are all pretty good except Nellie N. She would be all right, if she wasn't so struck on what she considers her own brilliancy[.] The poor lady has had a good deal of trouble lately so I feel very sorry for her. Since Christmas, she has lost her father and two aunts and her eyes are troubling her so that she has to have her papers read to her.

Evening 9.30 P. M.

Have been to the lecture. Very interesting & instructive!

We are to have a fire drill this evening. Hate the darned old drills! Katherine Green, the house chairman, heard me remark that I hoped that the fire wouldn't be in my room. She promptly asked me what the number of my room is and like a great goose I told her. It would be just like her to up and have it here now. Grace Easterly the lieutenant on our floor has gone to bed so I have got to be lieutenant in her place[.] Hang it!

I have a drop light in my room now and I knocked the thing over the other day & busted the mantle so it gives a wretched light. This is about the fiftieth mantle I have busted this year. The freshmen on the fourth floor are having a jollification. They do act like time most always, anyway. Nice children, but extremely noisy.

I suppose that we change tables to-morrow. I am sitting at Miss Smith's now. I do hope I won't get at Dr. Searle's table[.] Had rather sit anywhere but at hers for I cannot endure her lordship.

We haven't had anything very exciting at college lately. The organ in the chapel has a cold or something and acts like time. When anyone is playing it will suddenly peal out one note so loud that everybody jumps or else it will go way off the key.

Ten of the Freshmen went home at Xmas. vacation. Of the five freshmen on our floor who take Freshman math, four flunked Solid Geometry. Quite unmathematical infants!

My freshman left about a week after Xmas. She is a beautiful girl & I got along nicely with her. She is on the fourth floor now. Am rather glad to be alone though[.]

I must close now. Wish they'd have that old drill and have it done with because I want to go to bed.

With much love,
Bertha E. Martin

Mt. Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass

Feb. 8, 1907.