Letter from Carrie Gowing
to Mary Gowing
Mar 18, 1906

Mt. Holyoke
March 18, 1906
My dear Mary,

I believe you have written me two long letters which I have not answered, so I will begin one now. You[r] people sent me some very nice birthday letters. Two of the pinks kept nice for a week. Now I have some pussywillows and laurel leaves in my vase. We got them the Saturday Mary and I took our walks. Mamma wrote in her letter she supposed we wouldn't go as there was snow. We didn't have any snow then. I think the Western part of Massachusetts was the only part of New England which escaped that snow storm. I believe we had a very little the next Monday and we had quite a blizzard last Thursday. Some of the girls were wishing we might get snowed in so we could not get out to recitations Friday, but they were disappointed as it was bright the next morning and the paths were soon shovelled out. However I had to make my own path when I went out with the mail. I thought the night before that it would be quite impassible so I didn't set my alarm, but I woke up at the usual time and saw that it had cleared off so I decided to go. I had quite a number of letter[s] to carry and one of the girls wanted to send a special delivery letter. I thought she was anxious to have it go although she told me not to go specially on her account. Well I put on my gaiters and bloomers, a skirt over of course and went. It was drifted in some places but I didn't get wet a bit. Two of the other girls went up too from the other halls. I wish the snow might stay till I get home, so I might have a sleigh ride, but it was melting very fast. That will be only a little more than a week. Then we will have a fine time. I hope Papa's cold is better by this time. I am looking forward to my visit with Sarah & Helen Spaulding. I had such a good time with them before. Don't you think they would be willing for me to stay with them? I have looked that early train up so as to know about it if you people think I better stay over and go on it. It starts from Holyoke 7.07 so the half past six car would be all right as it takes about 25 minutes to go down to Holyoke. Then I would have fifteen minutes to wait in Northampton, 3 minutes in Oakdale and get to Nashua Junction at eleven o'clock.

Bertha Martin has just been in and she brought a kittie with her. It is one, which belongs in the village but comes over to the college a good deal. Bertha was pouring out a tale of woe about her troubles with her room mate.

I received a postal from Marian Richardson the other day with greetings for my birthday. It was quite nice of her to remember it, I think. I am going to send her a souvenir one to thank her. I am afraid this snow will scare the birds so I shan't have much use for the opera glasses for a while. I haven't needed them much so far, but I may during the next week.

Mattie Parkhill and I went to the village church to-day That is the first time I have been this school year. They have quite a good minister.

Of course the Senior play was fine. We didn't get home till quarter of twelve. Then I studied all day Wednesday and went to the musical lecture in the evening. That was about old songs and was illustrated by the Glee club and by the singers of Mr. Hammond's choir of Holyoke. But of course Mary Howe was best of all, though she wasn't as good as Madame Blauvelt. She sang one song to the accompainment [sic] of a flute, which was wonderful, and the other echo piece, which are her masterpieces I guess. I think I will leave a further discussion till I get home.

We are going to have a written quiz in Chemistry Tuesday which covers all we have had since semester exams. There is a lot to do before I go home. We have begun Spenser and we are to have a quiz in Literature the Tuesday after we get back, but that doesn't mean that I am going to study for it in vacation.

I haven't been to any of the basket ball games yet. There were two last Wednesday which were very exciting. They were between the sister classes, and the freshmen and seniors won. I think that is the first time the freshmen have won for a long time. I guess Ruth Baily [sic] makes the team as the first freshman team had to be given up as nearly every one was conditioned in something, and so they weren't allowed to play, and this team had been practicing to-gether for only about a week. The juniors feel pretty huffy. There are two more games next Wednesay which I hope not to miss.

Well I think I better stop writing now. Before very long we can talk instead of write.

Your loving sister,