A Letter from Edith Damon
to Carrie Gowing
Aug 22, 1905

Dear Carrie:-

Mary wrote me your address long, long ago, but we have had company all summer until now and I have not written many letters. Mary can vouch for that.

Monday - or yesterday, I might say! it really seems a week almost - my cousin left us and he left also a very big hole in our family. He has been with us since the seventh of July and has been one of the family all the time. His home is in Chicago and he is a regular westerner. Such a "hustler" I never saw in my life, with something on hand all the time.

He thinks eastern towns look "picked up" and neat, and that eastern people are more polite. I am very anxious to go west and see for myself. When we went to the Fair in Chicago I was too small to notice very much anyway. But I want to begin teaching in the west I think - I may never get there if I don't work there.

What have you been doing this summer? Probably you have been more industrious than I, but I'm not sorry that I've been lazy just the same. It's another phase of the same weakness that I wish my sewing were done - without hands evidently, for I have done little or none.

I really think I'll be glad when college begins again, won't you? Think of it, wise Sophomores! only a month and a week more!

Mary seems to be enjoying the summer very much, don't you think so? More so lately than at first when there were only three of them.

I hope you will write to me and tell me about your summer.

Sincerely your friend,
Edith Damon
South Framingham
August 22, 1905.