Mt. Holyoke
Dec. 13, 1904.
Dear Mary,I received Auntie's letter last evening, so I will follow her advice and send this letter early. I am sorry you didn't get my last week's letter. You see I mail them Thursday usually or sometimes Wednesday. I am going home Tuesday noon on the same train as I did before, as you haven't raised any objections to it, and if no one is there to meet me I will go to Lucy Merrill's but I hope we won't have any drifting snow story before then. I am afraid this snow will spoil the skating for vacation but I will bring my skates, so if it should melt, we can skate together. We had the carnival Saturday evening. That was a fine night for me, for I have only one recitation Monday. The lake was lighted with torches and two bon-fires and electric lights. We had a band, and it was great fun to skate to music. A great many of the girls had their gentlemen[.] The lake was crowded and I had to look out not to run into people. You see they didn't scrape the snow off the whole lake and there were a good many out. It wasn't very cold and you could warm yourself at the bon-fire. Olga Kelsey invited me to go with her, she is a very good skater, and I skated with her part of the time. Then I skated with another girl to whom Olga introduced me. She was just learning, so she couldn't do any better than I. Inez didn't go as she was too tired, but stayed home and studied and made fudge. with Helen Smith. They made it of water and just a little butter, stolen sugar, cocoa and a stolen chafing dish. They made some better Sunday evening. Do you know the girls make a great deal of candy Sundays, and have spreads. They think it is their only time I suppose. The Sophs. give us a reception this evening. I am going with Mary Davis. It is to be a dance, so I will have to look on. The treasurer's name is Florence Purington. Mary, Clara and I are planning to go to Smith tomorrow to see Elizabeth. She was very anxious to have us come over before Christmas. It is Inez's birthday to-day. She is nineteen. It was somebody's birthday last Friday. (?) I was real good last Sunday I wrote eight page letters to Lena Floss, Elizabeth, and Helen. I felt just like writing and I thought I had better write before vacation, so they would look at me. I wish you could have your music lesson Wednesday, Mary so I could go down with you, but I suppose you can't change now very well. Well I will close now with love to all Carrie.