Dover, June 15, 1903.
Dear Mollie and Carrie,I received your cards and invitation last week and I thank you very much for your thoughtful kindness to us. We should like very much to be present, but shall not be able to, as I have eleven hungry mouths to fill besides our own. I suppose you are glad and sorry both, that you are so soon to get through with your lessons[.] I wonder if you realize that you are seeing your happiest days. I presume you do.
I thought when I got your invitation how happy our darling little girl would have been had she been here, and how much comfort I should have taken in getting her ready to go and see you graduate[.] Dear little girls I congratulate you. You have worked hard, and deserve all honor for your perseverence and industry. After this you will need a rest. I should like so much to have you come over and see us. You would miss one dear face, but we would do all we could to make the time pass pleasantly, and we extend the invitation to Aunt Ellen and Nellie too.
I suppose you have all decided what you are going to do. Is Nellie there with you & Mollie is it Music, or Drawing? Carrie I don't seem to know what you excell [sic] in most, but know it will be something nice, and Nellie too. When you have time write me about it. I shall be interested to know. One week ago last Sunday I should have said two weeks ago last Sunday I went to church in Pelham, but I was not very well satisfied with the day. I did not have much time to see my cousins there were so many others to speak to and only a short time to do it in[.] I said how do you do to them all, but I think I did not bid any of them good bye.
Girls I should like to see you in your graduating dresses so much. I shall think of you next Friday afternoon. It will be an exciting day for Father, Mother, and Aunty, as well as for yourselves, but it will be a happy day as well. Give my love to Aunt Ellen and Nellie, and papa and mama when they come. With much love to both of you I must say good bye, as it is supper time.
Lovingly H. S. Smart.
My hand shakes so I can hardly write but hope you will be able to read it.