A Letter from Jennie B. Friend
to Carrie Gowing
May 15, 1907

Hillsgrove, R. I.
May 15, '07.

My dear Carrie,-

I got through my studying early and as Mr. Curry can't recite French I am gone into the letter business. I have answered Irene Gross' letter that I got Feb. 25, 1906. Don't you think I deserve a medal?

This is the fourth week of the new term, and only six more weeks. It doesn't seem possible and still I like to have the time pass quickly so anxious am I to know what the future has in store for me.

I have let up on my labors since vacation. I have dropped everything but French. Mr. Curry seldom recites now - he has so much Brown work to do, and I have given up my French class. On Sundays unless I have a caller I read some of the story we were reading in class, but I didn't feel that I could take an evening a week to recite it after reading it. I keep up my music and am studying for exams. I am about third through my first book. I intended to do more but Mrs. Curry is laid up with heart trouble and she hasn't had a girl able to do all the work so I have been lending a hand. I have actually made pies and cake that were eatable. They have a girl now that can take the whole responsibility so there is no longer any need for my doing culinary stunts and I am prfoundly thankful and I guess every one else is. My awkwardness in such matters is only surpassed by my disgust of it.

Mrs. Curry has valvular heart trouble and can never be well again. The doctor sent her to bed and she stayed two weeks and got up Saturday on her own accord. Now he says she can get up at ten o'clock, but must sit around and do absolutely nothing. He will let her mend if she will confine her mending to stockings. She is very energetic and ambitious and I am afraid she will overdo some day when she is feeling pretty good. She is planning on going home to Ohio as soon as school closes. Mr. Curry was so wrought up that he wouldn't go to the W. C. without bidding the whole family good-bye. It was pathetic and at the same time amusing.

I spent my vacation in Gloucester and Reading. I visited Margaret's school and sincerely wished she was at P. A. [Pinkerton Academy] Her teachers think or at least say she is doing well. I bought her a new hat, coat and shirt waiste and she looked "slick". She looks as well as girls who have fathers who have large salaries.

I made me a jumper suit this spring and it was a rush job and cost me many golden hours of sleep but then I have a new dress. Mrs. Curry helped me quite a little with it. It is plain gray. My coat is the one I had last fall. My hat is a mushroom effect - tuscan straw-wired, trimmed with cream ribbon and pink roses. Rather simple and pretty. I bent over the one I had last year and trimmed it myself for school. I had no idea I could trim a hat but really that one looks quite passable.

Remember me to Clara Ridgway when you write again. Where is Mabel living?

Helen's letter arrived last evening and was quite a surprise.

Our Bible class still meets and we have quite a lot to read. Just now we are reading the Samuels & KIngs. I read before I go to bed, usually and it is about time now.

Love to all,
Jennie B.