Mch. 27th, 1907.Miss Carrie E. Gowing,
Hudson, N. H.Dear Madam:-
We are in receipt of your favor of March 25th, enclosing $3.00, and ordering a box of assorted Casoid Biscuits, Nos. 1 and 3, and a package of Casoid Flour.
We have found it impracticable to break packages, and mae up assorted boxes. We, therefore, write to ask you whether you prefer us to send a box of No. 1 or No. 3. It may be that you will prefer a box of each, in which case kindly send an additional Postal Money Order for $1.50. Upon receipt of your reply, your order will be despatched [sic] at once by express.
Yours truly,
Thos. Lemming & Co.