A Letter from Lester Russell
to Carrie Gowing
Mar 29, 1906

Boston Mass,
March 4, 1906.

Dear friend Carrie:-

By this time I suppose you are enjoying your vacation, although mine begins Saturday I am not looking forward to that day, with any great pleasure, for I have an examination in the morning, the result of which will practically tell whether or not I will receive my degree this June. We have examination from now until the sixteenth of May, when my work int he Law School will end and if I am successful in them I will get my degree June fifth.

It seemes [sic] very sad about Bessie Bradford, I have not seen her since she came home. I know it must make her feel very bad as she so much desired to attend college.

I suppose Mary still takes music lessons in Lowell, she certainly must be A. number one by this time, but it seemes [sic] to me it must be very lonesome for her when you and Miss Center are in school, please remember me to them both, also to your mother and aunt.

I had not heard anything about the senior class taking a trip to Washington they certainly will have a delightful time. I would like to go again myself especially if I could have my expences [sic] paid in as grand a style as when I went before.

Chester comes home from Dartmouth the fith [sic] of April, he is coming to Boston one day during the vacation, and take in the lectures at the law school, we will have a great time.

I enjoyed reading your letter very much and hope I shall have the pleasure again in the near future. Lester W. Russell.

P. S. I forgot, and did not ask to be remembered to your father, please give my regards to him.