A Letter from Thomas Leeming Company
to Carrie Gowing
Feb 25, 1907

Feb. 25, 1907.

Miss Carrie E. Gowing,
Hudson, N. H.

Dear Madam:-

At the request of Dr. Elliott P. Joslin, of Boston, we take pleasure in sending you a box containing Samples of Casoid Biscuits Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Enclosed herewith you will find literature fully descriptive of them.

We urge that you give these samples the most thorough tests, knowing that you will find them entirely free from starch and sugar. At the same time, they are palatable and highly nutritious.

Casoid Biscuits and Flour can be obtained direct from us by sending check or money order. We prefer to supply all our customers direct, so as to insure their getting the goods perfectly fresh.

Yours very truly,
Thos. Lemming & Co.
