Kuling, China
Sept. 8, '18Dear old Nell -
My birthday wishes will be late, not because I forgot or procrastinated but because I had a bad fall a fortnight ago which did something queer to the elbow of my trusty left arm and I can only use it a little each day.
I think often of you and wonder what your news from France is and how all the children are and yourself in your busyness. It was so good to see you again last October.
Katharine finally got well and we sailed the Saturday after Easter. We were just four weeks in crossing and I was more or less seasick every bit of the time.
The children & I came directly to Kuling and here we still are. We plan to go down to Wuchang in another fortnight, altho' I don't know how it will all turn out as I heard yesterday that Everard was in our hospital with malaria and I know our house is still in a mess with workmen repairing it.
I had a great time the first six weeks after our return getting the children re-adjusted to life here. Everything was difficult. They would run out-doors bare-headed and would drink of the wayside brooks and wouldn't stay with the amah nor let me out of their sight. They had forgotten their Chinese and thought they could make themselves understood by screaming and stamping their feet. I had my hands full.
In mid-June I got head over heels in Red Cross work and there I still am. They started American Red Cross work here in Kuling and made me chairman of the work committee & because it was all new ground I've slaved over it all summer to the neglect of everything else. We've done well tho' and I feel repaid.
Recently a party of us went off fora two-day trip. It was a most interesting experience. We saw beautiful scenery and interesting temples of different religions, slept out-doors in the moonlight and were awakened by a Buddhist sunrise service.
Tillie isn't here this summer and hence I've no news for you, but I am
As of old
Your loving Fish