My dear Nell,The stockings and handkerchief arrived duly yesterday. Thank you much for getting the bad boys of the reform school to labor over them. I doubt if anything but boys muscle would have reduced them to cleanliness. It was careless of me, however, not to remember that I had entrusted them to you, but it was rather embarassing [sic] to have that obliging young express-man watch us paw those things over that morning.
I have a favor to ask. Miss Willard wants me to help her Avon Club study the technique of the drama next year. I couldn't quite refuse but my knowledge of the subject is vague and fragmentary. Didn't you have a set of topics to follow that Spring you had the drama with Little Hills? If so, would you minding [sic] lending them to me for a while? I'll take good care of them. I've invested in a Freytag but I want something more definite to work with, if I can get it.
I was glad to get the letter from Fan you inclosed. I've had one since from Newburyport telling of the fun she & Elizabeth had "talking it over" the day Elizabeth lunched with her and how successfully she kept her sister Alice from knowing about her ankle until they reached Newburyport and that her ankle was getting along nicely. The following gratified me & I know will you -
"My exit was so very hasty that it did not allow time for much sentiment, perhaps just as well. But I did want to tell you & Nell how glad I was of the opportunity to know you better. It made the tramp a pleasure to me in more ways than one."
I had a beautiful week with Caroline at Chautauqua. Evelyn Worthley is there too and we three spent much time together talking as only Holyoke girls can talk. Evelyn spent last Saturday with me and such a day as we put in.
I am all out of patience with Miss R-. My former invitation has been increased by scraps that C- has inadvertently let fall. I am glad she wasn't at Chautauqua while I was there! Where do you suppose she went "to have a complete rest, being utterly worn out" - why, West Brook Cottage, Cheshire!
Don't forget that you one to tell me about your visit with Reddy.
How is your father? and all the others?
Lucy.Monday noon.