A Letter Written on Jun 5, 1894

Tuesday Afternoon

Dear Nellie;-

Your letter travelled from South Hadley here in most excellent, edifying company. Think of two eminently respectable persons - but I won't tease; it came with a letter from Miss Bradford and another from Martha H. I had been wondering why not so much as a message came from Mattie and had about the[n] decided that she and Martha Hazen were more devoted than ever so that no time was left for anyone else. This fear is so awful I think Scott must have been using it, but I am writing at the desk down-stairs and am too lazy to travel up for my own pen. Miss Bradford had the grace to say that the outline I fussed over for hours was "very good" but she would give me some farther questions in the Fall and she hoped I'd come back "fresh for work"!

I had hoped, being Tuesday you know, to get some College letters to-day but only Henry's usual letter came. He'll be home sometime next week and thinks he can stay about a month. We are quite rejoiced.

Thank you for the tablets and the topics. Mr. Dealey has promised me any of his books that will bear on the topics.

Indeed! Well, I consider myself a most obedient creature and I don't believe you half appreciate my docility. At any rate if I was only there now I'd behave beautifully. I get horribly homesick for College I can't enjoy a vacation when every one else is at her work and think of the idle habits, - why, I have never been out of school for four whole months since I was a wee little girl.

Oh dear me! Why must Mollie get us all upset on the room-question every single year! She'd enjoy nothing more than shaking us all up and rearranging us to suit her own ideas of "the eternal fitness of things". I shan't feel that Mollie is settled till September 13 is actually here. Nan wrote that they had had some "pretty exciting times" but she hadn't said anything about it as she didn't "like to keep The Family all stirred up." Isn't that just like her? I hope her back is quite well again.

You are getting to be as bad as Elizabeth for standing in with the faculty. I laughed at your excuse to Miss Cowles for she probably knows what a noisy specimen I am, but I don't care as long as you wriggled out of it some way. I hope you'll enjoy prancing over to the P.A. mornings before breakfast! I've had enough of work that comes several times a day - otherwise being "Post-office girl" isn't bad. Are we to be required to live up to this "schedule of time in our rooms"?

I am glad you and Ida have been having such pleasant times. Did you get to the mountain? Lena and I tried to go botanizing yesterday after school, but I was detained by callers, so that we got a late and a tired start and had almost no success. I am awfully blue over Botany anyway. To-day I was up to Marian's to dinner, but such a freezing wind blew off the Lake that we gave up visiting her woods.

Sunday we actually had a lovely day. I went down to Sue's in the afternoon and had a real, good, old-fashioned time - it put me right back two whole years. Yes and I've actually been to see Helen and her baby but not until another lovely, loving note came. She's a dear little mother but - oh me!

Supper-time -
