A Letter written on Mar 18, 1930

The Tee-Kay Book Shoppe
Circulating Libary
226 Press Annex
Binghamton, NY
Phone Bingham. 4065

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Three Cents Per Day

Theckla Klem Clarke

[Doodle of smiling face] Me, Smiling. Could you Guess it?

Mar. 18, 1930.

[Bar of music]

My dear dear darling Sweetheart:

Your letter was so sweet, and I reread it many many times. Nina and I have a great time, talking about our daughters, but really it seems as tho' I have the best of the argument.

Deposited 15.00 to your account this morning, and am sorry it could'nt have been fifteen "Grand".

Friday will soon be here and will I be happy? I will try not to let the fountain overflow, but it's so hard for me to have perfect control of my emotions, when I'm so happy. It's one of the things, your muddikins, is ashamed of. You understand tho', don't you dearie?

Went to a Zonta card party last night, with Edna Thomas, but did'nt carry off any of the prizes. I am playing a better game than I did. I saw Andrew Mack's name in the Sun. Times, replacing Fiske O'Hara in the cast of "The Rivals." It may have been a mistake. He is another Irish Tenor.

'Big we vagabonds?' You big 'my vagabond' lover. Never mind, some day we will do some more things. We must'nt be dissatisfied, because we have so much to be thankful for.

Dr. Molyneaux's wife was in Sat., and said that she heard (that) I had the best book shoppe in the City "You know what that means, Mrs. Clark. You are going to be Successful." I was quite thrilled.

I feel so artistic this morning. Can you guess the reason? This will be my last letter and shall expect you Friday night at 8 P.M. Don't try to write again, unless something should come up that is unforseen, like not making the train etc.

Oodles of love and bellows of kisses from your darlingest

Give my love to Irene and the girls -

ooh! I can hardly wait. The animals are all stamping and getting ready for the "Big Parade."