May 29/1936.
Fri. 11.30 A.M.Darling Jeanettie :-
Three guesses??? I am still trying to make out that little song. Am I dense? Not (as) so smart as my little "beebee".
I am so thrilled to hear that you have gained three lbs. I will give you your reward when I see you. Until then, you will have to be satisfied with all my love. How's that?
Did'nt notice the heat Sun. Must have been warmer down there, and then you were walking in the hot sun.
I really think everyone should have a vacation. I certainly would rest and not try to do any thing else. You will need recreation. Perhaps you will think up something you want to do.
Wheeler's anniversary was the 21st. We all forgot it.
Took paper off at 67 Paige all day Monday and got a caterpillar on me in the bargain. The first in years and did I feel crawly for a long time after. Halls had to repair plaster and paper. Now Bob wants the rooms painted.
Yesterday rec'd a letter from Webster (broker) that papers sent to A.T.&T. were lost and would have to get some more. So will take a trip to see old "Ad" to-day.
Jane & I went down tot see "Al Jolson" Mon. in the "Singing Kid"[.] Just fair. Waste of time. Tues. she wanted me to see "Crime and Punishment" again with her. She liked it a lot.
This weather is terrible. It's been so cool the past two days that Jane had to start a fire in her kitchen. She has'nt felt quite so good the past two days. had weak legs and on verge of a spell. Ez. was up to Bing. and did'nt get home until 3 A.M. Jane did'nt go to sleep and was all worked up over it. She is better to-day. Sort of upset my routine. Did all her work yesterday. Will go to Bing. Sun. night to go to Bank & Brokers again. Also to give them a little rest, here. Jane does'nt want me to leave, but I get weary at times. Will be so glad when I am in my home again. It seems like ages, and it must seem more so to you.
One little bird has hatched but it looks dead. It is in the bottom of the nest. It's too bad. A lot of work and experience is essential I would think.
We are going up on the Hill to-morrow to take up some flowers. Janes [sic] iris and peonies are in bloom & they're lovely. I shall be thinking what you are doing all alone. Wish I could be with you.
Mrs. Estis' baby is growing and the nurse leaves tomorrow.
Well, dearie, this letter is'nt so interesting, but it's been quiet here. I am closing with all my bestest to the dearest girl in this whole wide world. I dreamed last night you were married and O! what a pansy you picked. Yellow hair, and did I rave. I tho't you said it was "Henry Fonda" & when I saw him? Well, I have'nt recovered from the shock yet. xxx xxx xxx million times.
Your ever loving "Sweetie-Pie".
P.S. Jane sends love and a big kiss[.] Did I tell you I saw Jolly Coburn's sister in Bing? You did'nt have his name on your list.
Am enclosing a letter from Anthony. [no longer with the letter] He asked to put it away, so Jane wants you to keep it.
Am sending this special so that you will know that I am alright, and keep you from getting too lonesome.
Better letter next time.
Yum, Yum.