Geo L. Shuman & Company
Established 1892
Publishers of
The New Wonder World
551 Fifth Avenue
New YorkMarian W. Pease
ManagerHome Office
203 North Wabash Ave.
ChicagoSunday 12.30 P.M.
Dec. 6/36 [sic - envelope is postmarked 12/6/1938]
-686- (868) St. John's Place
Brooklyn N.Y.My dearest darling :-
Went into N.Y. yesterday morning and found your very sweet letter waiting for me. Was I pleased?? Yum! Yum! Mrs. Pease was out, had left for the day, so had to phone her last night nad will see her again in the morning on my way to Paterson N.J. Am to go out this whole next wk. with a Mrs. Foster, and by that time should be well trained at least. She told me a new beginner sent in six orders last wk.
It all seems so strange, n'est [sic] pas? still feel badly to think you had to go back to Binghamton. But we must think its [sic] all for the best and not try to live more than one day at a time. It certainly was'nt an easy thing for you to do, but you're such a good little sport and I love you more than ever, sweetheart.
Have been here with Jennie & Mary H. since Thurs. night. Fri. we went out to see Sue Billings who is home at Walter's now. That's her son. They were all so glad to see me. Walter is very nice, and has a lovely family. They (children) were all in bed, but they let me see them in their beds. He has four children. He said you're [sic] case was typical of N.Y. jobs. It was always a fight to hang on. He has been at his position for 13 yrs. and still feels that uncertainty. So many college fellows coming in who will work for nothing.
Jennie & Mary got some bad news this morning. Their brother-in-law at East Orange has had some spell, and they are waiting to hear particulars. Annie does'nt want them to come over, wanted Willie McIlluraith. So Jennie phoned him. Mary is so hard of hearing that it's hard to have her around the sick.
Am very anxious to get started with W.W. Have been hanging around too much. I would never want to live where I had to take the subway. It's so noisy.
After leaving Mrs. Pease, went into Horn & Hardart's and had a nice oyster stew and then to Capital Theatre to see "Eleanor Powell" in "Born to Dance". .25 cents until one P.M. It was good but I was tired when I came out. The cop in picture does a clever bit of work and I see the critics liked it too. Came right home. It's too crowded in stores and any way "any old town is a lonesome old town when you're [sic] sweet-heart is away."
It is raining very hard to-day. Hope it is a nice day to-morrow. Am very enthused about starting out. Have so much to tell you when I see you about Mrs. Burnham (Miss Pease's Sec). She confided in me and her story is sensational. I like her very much. She used to be an organist in a church out west.
I don't know Mrs. Osgood but I think it would be a nice place to go. More the environment you like. Mrs. Moore would'nt be so good, altho she would be very kind. Too bad about Evelyn's father. Well everyone has their load to carry. Expect to be home soon for a few days and then we will have a good visit, won't we dearie? Don't worry about me, for if I don't feel good or anything is wrong will pack up and come where you are. How does that sound? Please don't worry about how much you are making & don't get nervous. You are my own precious darling and you have no regrets. You did the very best you could, but we were'nt supposed to live in Garden City and we will see what it was all for, some day. Am glad those hectic days are over with.
Will you take care of Xmas? We can't do much, but you will have Saturdays and I want to give my time to my work now. If you don't want your trunk until you get a room you can see Mr. Treyz. He may let you keep it down stairs in store room. You can give him my address or better still. Tell him I will be in before Xmas. to take care of my bill.
Karl Marx is a friend of Carl Klischa and I met him at German dances.
You can write me at Mrs. Pease and they will forward letter. Will let you know as soon as I have my new address.
Suppose you are in Owego to-day. My feelings are so mixed about everything. I would'nt want to come back to the same conditions that I left, and here's hoping that I can make a success of W.W. We wont [sic] try to figure things out right now for I'll be seeing you soon. Oodles of love and millions of kisses from your
who loves you more each day. Give Marge my love and tell her I know how good she is to you. Love to all the family.
A wk. ago you were ready to go. O! dear!
We can spend Xmas to-gether if the crowd is too big. You know Marge must be laughing when she knows how I wanted to get away.