Dec. 7/38
Millard-Fillmore Hospital
Buffalo, N.Y.Dearest Jean :-
Six P.M. What a day this has been! Will was operated on at 11.30 A.M. A piece of a rib removed. Another qt. of fluid mostly pus taken out and now has a drainage tube in his side. Dr. Steele said after the operation that with a chest infection like that, the patient was not such a good risk. His condition was fair then O! how he suffered. Poor Clara! I was out in the corridor. I just could'nt stand it. They have given him three Hyp's and he has'nt slept yet. He is more quiet but so nervous. Tries to sleep & then wakes up with a jerk.
He has a lot of grit and is helping all he can. I am glad the operation is over.
Things went fast yesterday. Could you make that card out? Condition not so good at noon. Porter and nurse over at 2 P.M. Took nearly a qt of fluid out and he was in hospital before 7 P.M. We're all doing everything we can. He seems cheerful in spite of everything, and does't miss a trick. You know the Klems. Don't worry, I am glad he's relieved. Clara sends love. Will too. Love to Lou.
Oodles of love & kisses
Muddy -