A Letter written on Jun 7, 1930

The Tee-Kay Book Shoppe
Circulating Libary
226 Press Annex
Binghamton, NY
Phone Bingham. 4065

Latest Fiction
Three Cents Per Day

Theckla Klem Clarke

June 7, 1930

Dearest darlingest darling:-

Stay until you get through, dearie. You know me. Everything is alright and I shall see you Tues. night at 8.15 unless some other word reaches me.

My birthday is getting to be something I wish to forget, so that's that. You will be with me, anyway. I will feel you in my ear, won't that be nice?

Jane is up to-day, buying out the stores. I took her out to lunch, and she is going to ride down with me to-night. I was going to stay home and clean, but - perhaps I won't Are'nt I awful?

Too bad about Grace that she had such a sorrowful time. And is my babykins all alone? Don't get too lonesome, will you?

Your exams are all finished now and I presume you are busy at "libe" and packing. I see by the paper the Smith's and Knapps were leaving for Holyoke. What is Kay going to do? Have you heard?

Arthur is going to move from Paige to Main St. over the "Market Basket" Have his shop in the front room & keep house in the back. They will save about $10.00 on their rent. So mama won't have them to worry about. Papa's shop will be a thing of the past. Changes come rapidly as one grows older -

It has been hot here. How about Holyoke? Yesterday it rained all day and cooled the air considerably.

I am so glad I came to see you at "Wilder". It was lovely there. Wish you could have lived at "Rocky" but "Meade" [sic] is the next best bet. Easy to get too, anyway.

Darling, don't expect too much when you get home. Its [sic] hard to do two things and do them well. If I were home all the time, well you would'nt be coming from Holyoke. So it goes!

I am getting all tickled to pieces because you'll soon be here.

Oodles of love and kisses

See you Tuesday.