A Letter written on Nov 14, 1935

The Tee-Kay Book Shoppe
Circulating Libary
226 Press Annex
Binghamton, NY
Phone Bingham. 4065

Latest Fiction
Three Cents Per Day

Theckla Klem Clarke

Nov. 14, 1935
Thurs. 3.40 P.M.

Dearest darling Jeannette:-

Your nice letter telling me all about Martha's wedding came this morning, and I devoured its contents. Was'nt it wonderful that all you girls were to-gether again? I think it was grand.

Have been overtown, to mail your bag, pay your Ins. ($13.72) gas ($1.00) El. ($1.44) and phone bill ($4.53) that included the telegram to Rid(eg)wood. Had some business to see (to) at the Bank and here I am.

Had a lovely dinner at Eleanor's last night. Casey, Mrs Preston's young man was also a guest, and we played Bridge, after dinner. The White's have been very nice and I really like her better all the time. She can't help the way she is, for her health is'nt so good. She has a hole in her chest, like Anthony's. I was so surprised. Think that's the cause of her back aching all the time.

Came home at nine P.M. Read paper & retired. I shall not put my things in storage in Hempstead. That's definite!

Called four trucking companies and will give you approximate figures.

Howard - Moving $45.00 - $3.00 more storage, $6 or $7 to move to storehouse here.
Canny -     "     85.00 - $3, $4 or $5 depends "aût." - 9.00 " " " "
Southee -     "     50.00
if wait until has trip back - $4.00 " - 8.00 " " " "
Treyz -     "     40.00
if wait until has trip back with load - and one mon. free storage - 5.00 " " " "

Will also send carton's [sic] over and tell me how to pack. Think that's the best bet. That would give me a chance to come down, look around, and make a decision without taking goods for 30 days. How does that sound? More encouraging? They all want to come over to see what I have etc.

Am going to Owego, to-morrow and try to get back Sun. night. (if that woman pays her rent) advertise goods for sale & start packing.

Don't you think we should room separately? I am wondering about what to bring. Dresser. It's so hard to make decisions. Probably the things we sell, we will want. How about sewing cabinet?

Southee is the man, here who is affiliated with Allied Van Lines Inc. (card you sent.)

At first I tho't I'd wait, sell W.W. for Christmas, have my teeth done (Its [sic] cheaper here) but I think I better cut expenses first. The Apt. is more dreary now as time goes on.

Will write Mrs. Pease to-day, and tell her, just what I am doing, and if she wants her books back. O.K. What do you think?

Now for information asked for. Called several b.b. [?] club. women, and finally Mrs. Horace Evans. told me to have you send in your registration to Mrs. Beatrice Treyz - 61 Front St. before Jan. 1st, an then you would be in good standing with Nat'l organization, and wont [sic] have to pay dues. Also write her as to your loan. Tell her you will take care of it as soon as possible. Jan. your big policy. $40.00 is due, but I hope I will be working by that time.

Mrs Chas. E. Gielbrau [?] lives at 43 Vine St. Mrs. Chas. A. Angelo (Marianne) lives at King's Park Hospital L.I. about 45 miles from N.Y. and beyond Huntington. She is "Blessed Eventing" in January, but Mrs. Marshall said she [would] be very glad to see you or hear from you. Mrs. Marshall took your address.

Phoned Mrs. Evans, and she was under the impression that you had taken everything. Will phone me to-night. Gave her your list. She will also get Ruth's address for me.

We had lovely visit. Glady's [sic] Williams is reading for her. Mr. Hawkins said you were a very fine reader. And when Mr. Belleau was hear, said that after they had trained workers, or Believed their trained workers - they V.B. [Vail Ballou Press] should be glad that they could get better positions (Those were the notes I took down.) Well you got the job, without their help, did'nt you. I could'nt refrain from telling Mrs. Evans, about Chris, and your wonderful contacts. You don't care, do you?

Thanks for the hose. They will come in handy. Meant to speak of them before this.

Mrs. Connors has certainly been very nice to you, and thank her for being so kind to my darling, for me, will you?

Want to write Mrs. Pease and a business letter to N.Y. about that Smith Bond, so will close with oodles of love and all my kisses for you darling Jeannette.

Do you feel happier now that I am beginning to take notice?

Your darling

My day bed just came back: charge $1.00. It looks fine. May move it. We can't buy new things right away. What say?