New YorkNov. 19/35
Tues. (A.M).
2.45 P.M.Jeannette, darling:-
Here I am still in Owego! Mrs. Vincent sent a note yesterday that she expected some money, but as yet, have'nt seen any. Is'nt it disgusting?
Went down yesterday, afternoon and told the girl, I would have to have the rent, or the rooms. I just can't let her get behind.
Saw Jane's "Show Boat" last night. Lydia & Art went with me. It was poorly done, altho' Jane as usual carried away the honors, as the "lady in green". They presented the principals with beautiful boquets [sic] of chrysanthemums. Jane's were baby lavender ones. Very pretty.
A "gum chewing gal" was the directress. She was chewing when she came to see Jane. All thru rehearsal Fri. night, five hrs., and was still chewing last night after the show.
Made two W.W. calls yesterday, but was not successful. Dr. Williams said he might take them in a yr. or two. Had to buy a new car. Mrs. Esty liked them so much but they are just starting in business (undertaking) and its [sic] just impossible now. Has a darling boy, three yrs. old. Well that's that!
Had supper at Lydia's and then to show. We had about nine inches of snow to wade thru yesterday. Read in paper that N.Y. and L.I. had severe storms.
Jane wants me to go to show to-night, back stage and they are giving cash dinner afterwards and she was determined I would stay. You know what that means. I will miss Zonta to-night. O, well! Am going home to-morrow, money or no money. I have so much to do. Dread it, in a way. But I'm glad I only have three rooms.
Will phoned Sun. night. Intended coming here for Xmas. Says if I am not here, won't come.
Jane says she to tell you that I'm her sister, and she's going to keep me as long as she can. Well you know me, dearie, and you know I am very anxious to be with you.
Jane has made me laugh a lot. You know how she shakes her finger at you etc.
She enjoyed your card, and so did I. Saw Arthur last night, and in a letter to Jane this morning, Marj. said she had a card from you. That was very nice dearie.
You are doing more interesting work, and I am so thrilled. Can hardly wait to get home and read your letters, and the real news. Am going to write Mrs. Pease this afternoon, I presume she is very much disgusted with my efforts, but I am not going to worry about it, too much.
Helen, and Mrs. White will think that I have sailed the Seven Seas. They must miss me. The last day I was home my phone range constantly. I guess Helen phoned five times. It was one of those days.
She surely has been lovely to us, and I will miss her friendship.
I can't tell you much about Will, as Clara talked and Jane had the wire most of the time. Will asked all about family etc. Wants me to come to Buffalo, before I go to New York. You got away beautifully, but I have no little stand-up-by here to help me escape. Poor Tee-Kay!
Will ans. your letters, to-morrow. I love you so so much. Are you going to movies?
Billions of kisses,