Howitt-Wood Radio Co., Inc.
Commercial Broadcasting
Arlington Hotel Binghamton, New York
Dial 2-3461"Fred Klems".
Nov. 27/35
Wed. 2.50 P.M.Dearest darling sweetheart:-
Went over town last night to mail your letter and around to "78" to get the mail. Fritz insisted on my coming back, and so I did to please him. Marge was over and we played "penochle [sic] rummy" Fritz is going to play to-night (they kept his job at Arlington for him) and is fine now. Shaved this morning and read all the old papers. Has his house in order again.
Your letters were so good and I enjoyed them, especially after this last experience. They were like a breath from heaven. You are so good.
Will mail Alice's check to-day. Will it be too late? Have'nt the check no. here.
Thank you for explaining your new work. You know how interested I always am in all your experiences and you are so sweet to keep me informed.
Think I shall put my things in storage and make sure just where we'll live and how first. We must be sure, before we cart furniture around, and I feel that way about selling some things. Can dispose of some at the Storage house. Any-way I will have man come over and advice [sic] me.
Did'nt see "Pompei". [sic] Am thru with mob scenes. Am so glad that you like Marie so much. She must be lovely, if you are so fond of her. I appreciate, so much, their kindness to you. Isn't that the limit about your watch? Are there any honest jewelry men? Will stop in Schmeiske's and tell them about it.
No, dearie, I am not weaning away from you. It just seems so hard to get weaned from my people, I guess, and now that they know I'll soon be gone, they are so nice to me, which makes it hard. You would never believe that Fritz tho't so much of me. He just wanted me to stay and be here with him.
Are you thinking of getting married? I shall give you away when that time comes. Does oo' want me to? I want you to be happy, you know that.
Saw Mr. Ruger and he was to let me know about books. Will call him Fri., when I expect to get busy. Have to go to Owego Sun, but will come right back.
Wish I could write you a good letter, but Fritz is playing radio, and you know my power of concentration.
Sometimes I wish I had never bothered with W.W. I have wasted so much time, and we could have been more at ease, if I had'nt gone into that. Mrs. Pease's letter still irks me. Will send books back, and that will be off my mind.
Hope you have just the finest "Thanksgiving" dinner and will be thinking of my little turkey-lurkey. Fritz & Flo send their love.
With all my love and xillions of kisses
I am still your darling