Thurs. Eve. 6.30 P.M.
Dec. 12/35Dearest Darling Yum-Yum:-
I loved your letter even if that is an impossibility, and hasten to write you a few lines under pressure. "a la Chrisy."
No wonder you are hazy about my coming, as I have been so indefinite. Now for my latest plans.
Things are'nt moving as quickly as they should. How would you like to come next Fri night and stay until Xmas. night or come Xmas. Eve and stay until the following Sun. night? You would lose two days work and perhaps you could work on Sat. if they were rushed. It would'nt do any harm to ask, and then you could also tell them that you would like to attend to some business you did'nt get around to do before you left.
Then I would stay here until my teeth were done, and not come back. Dentists are much higher in N.Y.
Mrs. Moore phoned to-night & said she was broken hearted because Im [sic] leaving. Wants me to stay a wk.
It would be cheaper here, as we will be visiting (Marge's suggestion).
It does seem foolish to go down & come back. What do you think? If you can only have a day will try very hard and come. Please do as you think best.
Sold piano to-day $20.00 but glad I made the sale. Everyone tho't it was huge. Cost so much to move etc.
Fri. P.M.
Dec. 13/35
12.00Also sold cabinet (kitchen) That's gone. The woman has'nt come back for piano, so maybe that fell thru. Can you beat it?
Could'nt mail my letter or finish last night. Helen, Cecile, and Flo were over. Am sorry dearie.
Your daddy was over for two hrs. to-day. Bro't the box and put in (bean) etc. laugh ha! ha! I guess he was just as anxious to hear from you at first as I. He expected to hear from you the first or second week. I invited him to come down and visit us.
Helen bro't me a beautiful arrangement of 5 bunches of violets and three yellow roses in a white china log. Some discription. [sic]
These violets are from the bouquet. All withered to. Rec'd your nice card & letter this morning and thank you so much for them.
Eliz. Moore has been lovely to you, has'nt she? I hope to meet her, and then she'll know why I am proud of you.
Be a good girl and take care of your ears won't you dearie? I wish you did'nt have to work at all. Snatch all the fresh air you can, sweetheart.
Work progressing slowly. But I am not worrying about that.
Got a big laugh out of Ruby Ayers.
Helen is going to (Al) Utica Mon. to instruct a girl in using the Rem. Rand book-keeping machine. She's all pepped up.
Please tell me truly what you want to do, won't you. I really think its [sic] better for you to come, but would hate to have you come for just a day.
Gretchen is making some vegetable soup and it smells very good. Would you like a dish?
I love you, love you, love you so very very very much, and I wish I could do O! so much for you.
Be my little stand-up by a little longer and please excuse this scribble I am writing on my lap.
Xillions of hugs & kisses your devotedest