A Letter written on Dec 4, 1935

Dec. 4, 1935
Wed. 9.20 A.M.

My dear darling:-

How sorry I am that you have had such trouble with your ear! I wish I were there to nurse you dearie. Be awfully careful, won't you honey and don't take cold or overdo. I am so sorry about it, and wish I could do something. It probably has ached very much, for when you get concerned about a pain, it is usually terrific. Did your fainting spell seem as hard? Don't be afraid to tell the Dr. just how it affects you and all about your case. They can do more if they know all there is to be known.

Am going to Owego at 11.30 A.M. and right back if possible. Gretchen is coming as soon as I return and then I will put the skids on.

You better make a list of things you might want before you do others so I can pack them seperately. [sic] Do you think I should pack a trunk? We don't seem to be sure just when we will move. I want to come down first and perhaps you may want some things badly. Books? Clothes? I do hope we can get settled and I can find something to do. I have wasted so much time. D- the W.W.

The package probably arrived before Thanksgiving, but not being home Mrs. White took it down to her house with Owego Times. You did your part, dearie, and I thank you so much[.]

Warner was very sorry, and very nice about it.

Was going to Owego yesterday at 2.30 and missed the bus. My watch is losing time. Waited in the cold 25 min. and then phoned. Too late! Helen wanted me to come over, so had the remnants of turkey and mashed potatoes, fruit salad, olives, radishes, celery, pease, coffee & ice cream & cakes.

I shall be thinking of you every minute. Poor darling! Don't worry about me. Will write a line to-morrow[.]

Loads of love and billions of kisses from your dearest