Monday, Dec. 16/35
Dearest Sweetie-Pie:-
Just phoned the D.L. & Erie and all roads are running excursion rates from Fi. until after Jan. 3. $7.75 round trip. Good on all trains. Yes, come by all means if you can, never mind the expenses. It will be so much better this way I think. Am I selfish?
Am not giving up rooms until Jan. 1st and we can be by ourselves some. e-e-e-e won't that be grand? I just can't think of staying at any other place just now. Am I changeable? Yes by all means get back for Martha's party. You can leave Xmas. P.M. Wish I were down there!
Would'nt it have been grand if we could have gone to-gether? Moved and all? Your letter was so nice. Will make appointment with Dr. McWitt when you let me know.
From now on little Tillie will look after her self never fear. We think we are so necessary to people and then find they can get along beautifully without us.
Don't worry about Xmas. presents. I am not. My big job is to get to N.Y. with you and let the rest of the world go by. Ha! Ha!
Marjorie is planning big things for Billy, and I suppose Jane is too. Expect her up in a day or two.
By the way some Perfume co. ag't came here and wanted me to sell products. (the same one Mrs. Allen is with) and I sent her to Marge. She has sold over $46.00 worth. That's about $18.00 profit. Not bad eh? She's all pepped up.
The Curtis people are working Bing. again. Too bad I did'nt go with them is'nt it? If we only knew what to do we would never make any mistakes.
It's very dreary out to-day. Helen left yesterday for her job, and miss her phone calls.
Well, darling, don't overdo, and don't worry about finances. Will see you soon.
oodles of love and millions of kisses
Muddikins.- I love you -