A Letter written on Jan 5, 1936

72 Forsythe St.,
Owego, N.Y.
"Mama Jane's."
Sun. 12.50 P.M.
Jan. 5/36 -

Dearest darling Bee-Bee:-

Thank you so much for my nice telegram New Year's day, and your very interesting letters rec'd since you left.

First I shall try to tell you all the news. Well - 78- is no more as far as we-us are concerned. Moved Fri at 1 P.M. Gretchen left for J. City at 4.30 and I went to Marge's at 5 P.M. Intended coming to Owego, but had to go to Bank. Sat A.M. to take care of Int.

All I can say about moving is, that you can not imagine what a job it was. I had 16 big boxes like in hall, and 4 "barrels" of dishes. I was up until 2 A.M. the night before we moved. The last part of course was the worst. Was I tired? Almost unconscious, and I felt like being dropped out of the sky where it was all over.

Did my banking Sat. morning and saw part of "I dream too much" Lily Pons! and will see the rest to-morrow. Had to come down because Mrs. Vincent moved Thurs. Says she will pay rent to-morrow.

Henry Fonda is in Lily Pon's picture and is very good. She sings beautifully. Will try to get back before it changes as they told me I could do that.

Have some bills to take care of, and people to see. Did'nt get a chance to go out or anything.

Marge took chair, slop jar, lamps, 3 prs. blankets, toys for Billy, out of box, etc.

By the way, I sent radio down here, so I could enjoy it until we move. It's very good here. The little bulb in front dial is even lighted. It was loose. Ha! Ha!

The little plant is up at Marge's. Think I shall give it to her, and take a slip. It's too hard to manage.

You should have seen the boxes I threw out. Hat boxes, jewel boxes, Xmas. boxes, and what not, and I imagine I moved things you will throw out later, things I did'nt know what to do about. No more saving junk -

My ribs are getting much better, but I still cough some. Well, I just had to forget about myself. Don't worry about me dearie, as I really feel very much better and after a good rest, will be quite alright. I am so happy that I feel as good as I do.

Got a B.B. from W.W. this wk., and Mrs. Reynolds won the first prize 17 jeweled gold watch for doing most business.

Played New Year's Eve and did'nt feel any bad effects from it. Played from 8 until 2 A.M. Places were all crowded here.

Enjoyed all your letters and am so glad you had a nice time New Year's Eve. Tho't about you and wondered what you were doing.

Fritz got over New Year's O.K., but they did'nt bother about coming over. No one helped me but Gretchen and I guess I won't worry about being missed. Will see about my teeth soon.

I love you so much dearie, and will write you again to-morrow. Send my mail to Marge's until further notice. I may go to Mrs. Moores [sic] for a couple of day's [sic] next wk.

I love you, O! so much, and hope you are taking the very best care of yourself. Please sign your name - Jeannette Clarke - just that way where X is and mail to bank. It is for I-T-T- stock. (Some red tape -) Please -

With billions of kisses and hugs I remain your daring
"Tillie the traveler".

Jane sent pictures. Sends love. Please excuse mistakes. Hard to concentrate.