Jan. 27/1936
Marge's. 5.10 P.M.My dearest lovey-dovey:-
Have two letters here to ans., one which I rec'd Sat. containing a nice check, for which please accept my very best thanks, and one Jane forwarded from Owego, which came this A.M.
You are such a darling dear and deserving of all the best in this world. Your letters are so full of kindness and love, and when every thing goes wrong, I think of my wonderful blessing. And feel the + sign exceeds the minus. May God bless you dear and keep you from as many hard knocks as possible. You have had your share.
Had two lower teeth extracted at 8.30 A.M. to-day. The
yre were two (only ones to go on lower jaw) and now I shall wait about two wks., before I go again. I am so glad that the worst is over, and I am just fine. Eat a lot, ha! ha! I always like to do that. Marge made soup for me, but I am even eating sandwiches.Am writing this in front room, with radio (A's) going in dining room and doing so on a magazine. Can you imagine?
Do not worry about your salary, dearie, we will get along, and when I get down with you we can have some tomato soup - and turkey. Ha! Ha! I am going to get some work to do too.
Tried to get Helen this morning, but she was'nt home. Don't know whether she has been to N.Y. or not. Will call her again to-night.
My ribs are'nt poor any more. Feel fine, and cough about gone. Is'nt that great? I'll try not to fall over any more things. Tables are turned, are'nt they honey?
No coats now, dearie. It would be silly. Am concentrating on teeth, after all these years.
Splurge again, dearie. You have earned all you spend and of course you must pay some of your obligations.
Did'nt you like the "merry-go-round"? in Pons picture? Don't Miss "Mag. [Magnificent] Obsession" & "Crime & Punishment".
What do you mean, when you say "It's not so hot here any more.["] Your room? I guess you were thinking of mama. Right?
Did you hear Al Smith Sat. night? Some speech!
It's very cold here again to-night, but Marge keeps her home very warm.
Billy lost his first tooth the other day, so we have something in common only he will get another one, which is well on its way.
Will not send trunk unless you advise it later. Your velvet gown would be better for cold weather.
Am getting a temporary set, I think, so I can get down before long. Are you glad?
Buy your mittens dearie. Poor little hands all frozen. Wish I was with you.
Billy is here now, asking all sorts of questions and Marge says "supper is ready" so will have to eat.
How can I fill this whole space up unless it be with billions of kisses, and so many hugs.
The family all send love to you.
Just finished supper, and here is what I ate. 3 helpings of creamed potatoes, gravy, a carrot chopped up, and some roast beef cut very fine. Apple sauce and a fresh cup cake (Marge's) without the butter. Scotch s
cauce (I bet you would want that) and two cups of tea. How am I doing?I love you so much more to-day than I ever did, and I am getting anxious to see you. Will watch my step.
Anthony is going now and will mail my letter. Rest a lot and don't worry,
from your darling