A Letter written around Mar 16, 1936

Dear Jeanette:-

"The top of the morning and how dy do." I just got up from a long nap. Ive [sic] rec'd all your letters and your birthday card, which was just as nice even if it was late. Your mommy reads me most of your letters so I get all the news and I gather that you must be having a grand time along with your work, and I am so glad you are. I didn't realize you had so many friends are around N.Y. I can see now why you were so anxious to go. It seems so funny not to have you around. (perhaps I should say queer). because it's not a joke. I enjoy having "Mrs Clark" [sic] here, and Billy does wake her up most every morning at 7. ha! ha! She flits in and out like a little butterfly. I know she is awfully anxious to be on a certain train. I think her life at present is rather boring[.] Its [sic] hard not to have your own roof over your head.

She got along so good after having all her teeth out and she wasn't bad to look at either. But she is quite a "belle" with her new ones, they are awfully nice. Ive [sic] gotten used to them now and she looks just like T.K.

It's raining so hard and I suppose your mother has told you that it thundered a few times. Billy says, "now we'll see her jump." He has been home from school nearly a week, with a cold, but I hope to send him tomorrow, he's too ambitious for comfort.

I'm going to have left over roast pork & dressing for supper if you'd care to come over or "up" it'll be O.K. - wish you could.

I really don't have much news. By the way your mother is having great luck - beating me at the old card game, I'm trying to learn Bridge and like it[.]

Loads of love and Xs - and I'll try and do my share of taking care of Mrs. T.K.
