A Letter written on Dec 1, 1930

Mon. Noon. Dec. 1 - 1930.

Dearest Darling Jeannettekins:-

Rec'd two letters from you Sat. and was'nt I just thrilled to pieces? Your darling note was so cute, and I was so happy to think you liked my small gift. Wish I could have done more.

Thanksgiving Eve. I went to Bryants for dinner, and who should be there, but Lydian Halliday, her father & mother, the Dunnings and Dr' Martin's family. They were so nice. I was quite the center of attraction. Lydian wants to get in a Publishing House, and may help you. They all asked for you, and (they) were lovely.

Did you ever find out about that Holyoke Graduate Dr. Howland spoke about?

What a lovely Thanksgiving you had at McCleary's! Why did'nt they ask the other girls? Stayed home Sunday. It rained, and was disagreeable. Anthony & Marj. went to Owego with Bailey's, and I went to Bryant's and had a nice turkey dinner. Read all the afternoon and went to Marj's in the evening. had lunch with her, and we played rummy.

My radio has been out of order for a couple of weeks, but Anthony bought me some new tubes, and fixed it. Everything is fine, waiting for you to come home.

Just rec'd your Sun. letter a few minutes ago, and I feel quite rich with all that mail.

Waldermar is busy I know. Hope he sees you at Xmas. time. It would'nt be so bad to have a Surgeon for a Son-in-law. He could either kill or cure me. (I don't need one at present time.)

You have a Backgammon set, have'nt you? One that was Bonnie's I think. It seems to be all the rage in other towns. At least books on the game are advertised.

Does it seem possible that Xmas. is almost here? Where does the time go? I can hardly wait for the wks. to pass now, altho' I have lots to do.

I did'nt go to bed until 2 A.M. this morning, listening to the radio & reading. It was snowing and I laid there, and watched the flakes out of the window. Tho't of the morning you phoned. Do you member? [sic]

Well darling, its [sic] nearly 5.30, and must close. Oodles of love and billions of kisses from your darling


Best love to Irene & girls.