A Letter written on May 1, 1935

The Tee-Kay Book Shoppe
Circulating Library
226 Press Annex
Binghamton, NY
Phone Bingham. 4065

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Three Cents Per Day

Theckla Klem Clarke

May 1, 1935

My dear dearlingest honey Bonnie, (pronounced bunny.)

Your sweet card came this A.M. and thank you so much for writing me. I was lonesome, and so glad to get a line.

Wanted to come for Zonta, but no one came up, and I am so anxious to get thru down here. Have I worked! Painters came Tues. A.M. I was there 8 A.M. and helped take paper off of the walls. Are we tired! Jane came at noon. Well Lillian's Solberg's & Papa's room are painted, and Mama's is nearly done. We had to soak all the paper off the bath room wall & ceiling. You see we are doing a good job. Paper is off, Mama's, Lillian's, Papa's & bath room. Tomorrow we do Hall.

Have'nt done any thing with W. World. Want to get thru with this first, or well started. Just can't see paying someone 60 cents an hr. for taking off paper. Do you think the Klein's will appreciate the saving? Expect to come Friday, but if I am too busy may stay here. So if I am not there why don't you come down. I am so sick of putting things off and the ad goes in the paper to-morrow. We'll see, and let you know.

Francis is in more trouble. He and another boy took a car (Dwight Decker's). Francis drove, under age and no license. Car tipped over and boys were hurt. Car smashed to pieces. Francis had to appear before Judge Terk again this morning. Too bad. Saw Freda Monday night and she was terribly upset.

I love you too much, and wish we were to-gether to-night. Don't work too hard and please eat lots.

Wish everything for Fritz, and hope he will be alright. Think of him a great deal.

This is written very hastily, but want to mail it so you will get it to-morrow.

Oodles of love and billions of kisses
from your galavanting

Jane sends love.