Tues. 3 P.M.
Feb. 18, 1936Dearest darling Jeanie Beanie:-
Rec'd a nice long letter with a generous check enclosed Mon. A.M. and I enjoyed the former so much. You are a dear to send me those checks, and I shall be as careful as possible with the way they are used.
Strange you did'nt get your candy until Sat. I mailed that box Wed. P.M. at P.O. Next time I will have to give myself more time. So glad you liked the Valentines. Wish I could have done more. Don't be too saving with the candy. It's better fresh, and then you don't have to play that game now you know. "Just one more piece". I wish you did. O! dear!
Have'nt been to any pictures or anything. Shoveling snow is my hobby at present, and we seem to have plenty of that just now.
It's very windy and raw out to-day. Jane has to go to rehearsal. this P.M. and Amaranth to-night. I think I shall stay at home.
Ezra came home yesterday, but is in Bing. to-day. Had an errand to do and is going to two movies.
Did I tell you that Jane had her only three teeth out last wk? She does'nt look badly, as she can wear her old plate. She thinks I am fine, for [she] says she couldn't stand to go without any. It does sort of get on ones nerves at times.
My receiving set is working and I am receiving all those kisses. Yum! Yum! Better than candy, you can bet. Yes, we will be able to make up for all this lost time, and I will come as soon as I can, dearie.
Sorry you could'nt go to "League" dance, but so glad you had such a nice time with Dr. Kerr. and Young. Don't save anyone for me, dearie. I'm all thru. No more romances for T.K.
It was very exciting to read all about meeting the Holyoke girl, and Miss Griesser. I did have to chuckle about your wearing your fur coat again. You will have to get some new things, won't you dearie?
I am the lucky gal, and you don't owe me anything. If I could only do all that I want to do for you. You are so good to me and do it all with a smile and never a word of complaint. You repaid me when you came darling. Without you my life would have been so common-place. I only hope that you may have a great many good things come into your life to make up for all your sacrifices. I love you so much darling, but not selfishly.
Congratulations on winning a prize. You did nobly. We will have to do some entertaining won't we? Am feeling better mentally and my mouth is very good. You are the best little stand-up-by. I ever had, and do miss you just heaps.
Have some more clippings to send you. Its [sic] so much easier and then you get all the news.
Saw Freda the other day and she heard that I had my divorce. She told Francis to ask your father, but he looked so cross the last time he was up, that he refrained from doing so. It's a good thing that he did'nt ask him.
Well, darling sweetheart, I must close as it is time for the postman. Be a good girl, don't work too hard, or worry. Will write you again soon. Billions of hugs & kisses
P.S. Jane sends love. Had a note from Klieba [?], and am playing Sat. night at that restaurant. I will have to keep my mouth closed. Ha! Ha! Some job! Send all my mail here, please.