Thurs. P.M. Feb. 20/36
"Jane's"Dearest darling "Jeanie":-
Altho' news is scarce, will try and write you a few lines in ans. to your nice letter rec'd yesterday A.M. with clippings enclosed. It only took one day this time. You mailed it at Garden City at noon & I rec'd letter next morning. I am trying to find out the exact time it takes for a letter to reach you.
I don't know if cavities have to be filled or not, but don't believe so. I too am so anxious to get settled again, for it is so tiresome loafing this way. I do so appreciate mama's feelings now. No place like home, altho Jane & Ezra are both so kind to me.
You just have to talk about the weather these days. It was 12 below zero here on Jane's porch at 9 A.M. to-day and the water was frozen in pipes. It did'nt take long to thaw it out. Jane knew just where to wind pipes with hot clothes, after Ez used blow-torch to no avail. It is nice out now, and paper says more snow. Do you keep warm, dearie? Please don't walk to work these bitter cold mornings. It does'nt pay. I don't mind the short coat at all, in fact Jane makes more of a fuss out doors than I do. Seems to feel the cold more. Am free from a cold too. How about yours? Are the capsules doing you any good? Hope your feet did'nt get wet walking on those old slushy walks.
Glad you saw "Littlest Rebel" but don't want you to cry. We may go to see "The Three Musketeers" to-night. Jane wants to go.
Aunt Lee Borden (you met her here) died Mon. morning and her ashes will arrive at Richford to-morrow. If Sue Richardson drives up, I am to go with Ez. & Jane, and if weather is too bad, Ez will go on train alone in morning. (Jane just insists on my going all over.)
Tues. night we went to "Amaranth" to suffer and while Jane was at Lodge I played Solitaire down stairs. The men wait for wives and play pool etc. Had a nice time. Jane would'nt take no for an answer.
Last night she was a "Suffragette" down at Pres. church. Just pictures. (Uxxing) Using a large frame, and the different ones, mostly dressed as "Gay Nineties" posing for them. Jane wore mama's black suit and my silk beaver sailer, with "SUFFRAGETTE" across her bosom, and holding [sketch of sign] "Vote for Women" in one hand. She had horn rimmed glasses on. Seemed to get most applause. They served caskes, sand. & tea. Nice time! Imagine me without teeth. Terrific!!!! Mrs. Chas. Dean sang "Beautiful Lady" from Pink Lady and "Love me, and the world is mine". She accompanied herself, lost her place, stopped, and started again. It was funny. Jane said I should have played piano. The music was terrible. I felt a little encouraged after that. Katherine Croke played a solo and even that was'nt so much. She is studying with Mr. Gomph you know. Different ones asked for you. I did'nt want to go to church, but Jane hated so to go alone, so weakened.
Sorry you could'nt go to "League" dance, but so glad you had such a nice time with Dr. Kerr. and Young. Don't save anyone for me, dearie. I'm all thru. No more romances for T.K.
Jane is washing and has just come in. All finished.
Expect to be in Binghamton over week-end, but send the mail here to Owego, as Jane will forward if I don't come right back. Will play for dance Sat. night and want to pay Ins. & go to Bank. Also pay some bills. Wish I did'nt have to go there at all, but will feel differently when I get there. If only I had'nt fell off of that chair, but I guess that must have been fate.
Well, sweetie-darling, we can still write each other and anticipate that wonderful meeting, can't we? Take good care of yourself and don't take cold.
All my love, darling and Millions of kisses for you from your old
"Muddy Muddy"Jane sends "plenty of love, sunshine & everything that goes with it. Nice big snow ball."
A humorous article about the clients that use a book rental library