A Letter written on Mar 10, 1936

"Marge's" Mar. 10/36
Tues. 4.35 P.M.

Don't worry about your short notes. I love them too.

Dearest darling Jeanie :-

Rec'd your darling note Sat. A.M. and thank you so much for the generous check. That really sounds so inadequate. It is so grand to have so charming a daughter, and I want you to know that I shall never forget your kindness, and with your unselfish love, it is just too, too, divine. Thank you again dearie.

Some day in the near future, I think I shall mail a few of my excess articles to you, so that my bags will not be so heavy. I have some towels I washed, and your little mink scarf. Then Jane gave me a bath rug and sewing kit. Of course I could'nt refuse.

Came up here Sun. night with Bill Bailey in his new Chevrolet and found the house empty. Marge left the key. An came home about 11.30 and we had some beer and peanut butter snacks.

Went to Dr. Andrews Mon. morn, thinking he would put me off another week, but he did'nt, so had three appointments. What fun! The impression, first with wax and then with plaster paris, took about 15 min. Then at 1.30 the fitting of plate and at 4 P.M. trying the teeth in. Well, I felt as tho I had about everything in my mouth. The teeth are very nice, but not like min. In the first place he said they were so irregular that they would'nt look nice. (You know he has my impression and cast of my old teeth.) The two front ones, he did'nt want to make so long, and those crooked ones, without that space. Marge tho't the teeth were lovely, but of course not like mine. He said he would make them the way I wanted them, but food would get in those spaces, and you really don't know that as you have no feeling in the gums. Well, he knows more than I do about it. He would change them yesterday as they were only set in wax. Well I left them as he suggested. Wish you had been here.

I will probably look different, and you will have to get used to a new face, but darling, I'll love you just the same. I will have them to-morrow and then what fun I'll have getting used to them. Will be here a few days so he can see how they fit etc. This is some experience. Well by the time I come, will probably be used to them.

Marge washed to-day, and helped her a little. Just think four washings in one day.

Yesterday I took her to see "The Fleets in" or something like that [actually "Follow the Fleet"] with Astaire & Rogers. I was'nt so keen about it.

Before I go on, must tell you that Mrs. Wheeler left Vail Ballou's about 2 mon. ago, and is with the Publishing House that publish Am. Mercury in N.Y., so Mr. Ruger told me. Did you know that?

Fri. night, went with Jane to E. Star and she had charge of program. Recited that "Song hits of yesterday.["] I changed two lines for her. Instead of wedding march will play, rhyming & ending with "we have no bananas to-day["] substituted. Ned March will sound, and music goes round & round. She got as far as sound and the next line before last was gone. There she stood. It was funny. She made the best of the situation and finally tho't of the line. Art & quartette sang.

Sat. we shopped and Sun. Jane took me to see "Eddie Cantor" in "Strike me Pink." Not so good. I still choose "Crime & Punishment" and "So Red the Rose"[.] That was lovely.

You had better send my mail to Owego, as I shall probably go down for week-end.

Martha's letter was very nice and I must write her some time, or send her a pretty card. If you think of it, please send her address.

The dentist said my teeth were so loose that they had pertruded [sic] some. Hope I will like them alright. Well they are only temporary ones, but even so I want them to be right. Its [sic] such a gamble. Take good care of your toofies, dearie. You just can't replace them.

I presume your letter is being forwarded to me.

Billions of love, hugs, & kisses. I love you.


Wheelers send love.