A Letter written on Mar 11, 1936

March. 11, 1936
5.15 P.M.

Dearest Sweetie-Pie :-

Here I am teeth and all writing you a few lines to let you know that I am still able to keep going. An and Marge like them very much and I like them better than I tho't I (was) would.

I weakened a trifle and wept in the Dentist's office. Am I "requested"! They hurt like the dickens for a min when he put them in and then for a second the tho't came over me that I would always have to have all that "crockery" in my mouth, & I wanted a cry a week. Dr. Andrews gave me a pill for my nerves and everything was okey. [sic] I was so ashamed of my weakness at this stage of the game, but am feeling fine now. Have an appointment in the morning and then he will give me some pointers, as to the care of them etc. He wants me to stay around so that I wont [sic] have any trouble when I get to N.Y. It won't be too long now, I hope. Don't you feel encouraged?

Jane had her impression yesterday. Well, we will see which one gets the best teeth. I don't think Dr. Andrews is quite satisfied with the way mine hit in back, but he will fix that alright. Yesterday, I felt that I would'nt be able to talk, but I came home and read a story to Billy, one of his small books. Soon, I will eat, and then I will have some more fun.

Billy's story, continued from his Feb 24 chapter

Thank you so much for sending policies, which I shall take to the Bank soon. Yes, we still have to pay the premiums. The policies are still in force.

Mrs. Connor is so nice to you and I love her for it. She really could'nt help herself tho', could she dearie?

Your party for Apr. 24th sounds just great. Do you like "Clarke Bennett["]? Save a little cozy corner for your momee, in your heart, won't you dearie? Here are addresses you asked for:-

Fred Varea - 120 Broadway c/o (Marie) Marine Midland Trust Co. N.Y.
Terry Saunders - 465 4th Ave. N.Y.
Mrs. Raymond Leonard (Anne Knapp) - 2 Grace Court Brooklyn, N.Y.
Waldemar Boldt.
559. W. 164th St., N.Y. City
Phone - Wadsworth - 3 - 1424
Home after 5 P.M.

Erna lives with him and goes to "Scudders School["] - 66 Fifth Ave. Taking a course in Social Service work.

Anita has graduated from Cornell, and is at Polyclinic Hos. for 9 mon. training in dietetics.

Had a nice visit with Mrs. Boldt and she wants me to come up before I leave. Some one had told her about your fine position, and she was so pleased. An. is ready to go -

Some fun eating.

Oodles of love and millions of kisses