A Letter written on Apr 6, 1936

[Two lines of music, with lyrics: "I'm putting all my eggs in one basket; I'm betting everything I got on you" (a song by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong)]

April, 6, 1936
4.40 P.M.

Dearest darling Sweetie Pie :-

Returned here about 3.30 A.M. from Buffalo to receive your mail & do some errands. I have been so tired all day that I am just resting until morning when I expect to go down with Anthony and later to Owego - Tillie the Traveler????

Thanks so much for your two very interesting letters, and that nice check. You darling!!! I like my letters better and you so many times more.

I was afraid when I read your letter that perhaps you wanted me to wait. Everything has been so indefinite that I tho't we should have an old home week spree, or something, and I knew also that you needed so many things, and a "momee" to look after a few.

The excursion is one part plus $1.00 about $8.00 for 21 days. Of course I don't have to stay that long.

If you would rather come here you can wire me, if not I will come Thurs. or Fri. E-E-E-- E- and will let you know definitely to-morrow or when I hear from you.

My first tho't was to come Fri. get there and register at a cheap place (Y.W.) you meet me, shop Sat. and then go home. What do you think?

I need you so much to help me make plans. These decisions are so hard to make.

A. Robison won't do anything until after Easter and then Will has to come. Anyway - no end to red tape, that is why I tho't I had better see you now. Would love to have you come home, if you would like to, but we would'nt shop here - terrible!!

Went to Buffalo with my short fur coat and got by, even went to church. Had a grand time. Park Lane for dancing Sat. night, until 3 A.M. Will tell you all about it when I see you.

Will certainly gave me the needed mental stimulant, and I feel so much better. I knew he would.

The trunk has been expressed. It will be around $3.00 will you have enough? I have keys, which I will bring or send.

Your blue hat is in small hat box and unable to get at it. It's time you had a new one any way. All things you asked for are in trunk. I think it's better for you to have it with you, and I packed it with that in mind.

It is just the estate thats [sic] holding things up and that seems e-nough.

Thank you, darling, about note signing (some English!)

Will we talk??????

Wish I could tell you definitely when I shall see you, but we will mke connections any way. I know you live at 223 Main, and I won't get lost.

Of course I'm not sure but that you want to come here.

This day has been ruined. It poured all morning and I felt all in. Fact is I have'nt dressed to-day. Anthony's house coat on. You just have to catch up sometime.

All my love and billions of kisses for you dearie.

Your ever loving

Don't mail check this wk. please.

All send love.