So. Hadley, Mass.
December 9th, 1900.My Dear Brother;-
If anyone wants to know Santa Claus' adress [sic], I'll give them 28 Slate St. E. G. Loomis Esq., for I'd like to have you know that he is a man who knows how to give just the best kind of a Christmas present. I thank him for his thoughtfulness and hope he'll have some time the return -
I think I have got three of the best brothers, anyway - when I was at home Thanksgiving, Aretas insisted on giving me a dollar of his hard earned egg-money - while Sam has been everything to me -
I hope all the sick people are made well by this time by the cold weather - today has been a blustering, March-like day - and I'm glad for all the bad germs ought to freeze up now.
This year has been so much pleasenter than last for my studies are vastly more interesting - chemestry [sic] and Botany and in Greek we have more readable pasages. [sic] I wish you could come up some time and see it all, for I love it with all my heart.
Hoping to see you more in Christmas vacation. I'm with love to all of you, your thankful sister
Gussie -
S. A. Loomis.