A Letter written on Oct 2, 1845

Arkwright, Oct. 2nd, 1845.

Dear Friend Rosina,

Gladly do I withdraw from the busy scenes of the world to converse awhile with thee. Would that you were present, then I should not feel so sadly as now, but I will not wish to recall you from your present happy situation. I do rejoice with you and am thankful that you there find so warmhearted and benevolent friends. May heaven reward them for their kindness.

The beauty of summer has now departed, sober autumn has now come on with its attendant blessings and we are the happy recipients of these blessings. I left my dear scholars near two weeks since am now at sister Cornelia's health not first rate, have plenty of business on hand, talk some of leaving Chautaugua this fall, think of going to Canada to teach. Some from this place have been there teaching, think I can do much better there than here, and why should I wish to abide in this place when so many of my friends are gone, some are gone to the grave, others are distant far, but still a love of native land binds me strangely to this country. Sister Mary is now residing in Ashtabulah, Ohio, I miss her very much. Nancy is about here, I see her frequently. Miss H Burnham was married last July to Mr Joseph Caradat (a frenchman) she wishes to be remembered. My scholars often spoke of you this summer, they would all gladly welcome you here again. We have had a Sabbath school, it was Superintended by Mr E Luce. My time during the Summer was well filled, I hardly counted the hours they glided so pleasantly on, but now I feel extremely lonely at times, though I do not mean to indulge these feelings. Last Saturday & Sunday I attended a Quarterly meeting, where the presence of the Lord was sensibly felt. There I was not lonely, sometimes wish I could spend my whole time in the bosom of the church. I trust that I have your prayers my lovely friend, oh pray that as my day, my strength may be,

We were favored a few weeks since with a visit from Miss Alvina Foster & her father from Rochester. Alvina is a dear good pious girl, I love her not only as a cousin but as a very dear sister, you probably have seen her, don't know as you remember the time.

I with joy anticipate the time when fond friends will no more have to take the parting hand, the period when all the dear saints of God will be gathered into his kingdom, there with ceaseless joy to celebrate the praises of the Lamb that was [sent?] to redeem us poor rebels from sin, the dear Redeemer that rose from the grave and now intercedes for us before his fathers throne. When he sits as our Judge, shall we be acquitted? Were not his his mercy great I should have no hope, but now I do indulge the blissful idea that when I have passed through the last trial which flesh is heir to, I shall gain the blood washed strong in heaven, there forever to learn more & more of the holy character of the Almighty. There I hope to meet the dear ones who have already gone to the spirit world and there I hope to meet with you. -

I came very near forgetting to tell you that we have had a common school celebration and a good one too even in Arkwright. Our town is on the rise in the scale of improvement. The people are beginning to awake to the important subject of education and what we have yet done I trust is but the beginning of our efforts to benefit the rising generation, and to benefit our own minds too the whilst. - -

If I go to Canada I shall probably start about the middle of November, hope to hear from you before I go. Wherever I wander I shall carry in my bosom the image of that warm hearted friend with whom I became acquainted & to whom I became attached in Fredonia Academy, her name I call "Rosina".

Perhaps you have not heard that our old friend Adams R is married to Miss Susan Burchard, he is not keeping house yet I believe, hear that he intends to settle in Fredonia. Caroline has lived at Avery's the past season & worked at her trade. Olivias health is about as usual, Miss Beulah, is a fine girl, & very affectionate.

Ever your friend
L. Crawford.

R. Lyon.